Financial indicators

Turning ordinary companies into extraordinary performers, delivering strong and consistent shareholder returns in the process, while understanding that people create wealth, companies only report it

Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn

Chief Financial Officer


Trading profit




1 912.6 cents


Total dividends
for the year

914 cents


Cash generated
by operations






R billion Year ended 30 June 2024 Year ended 30 June 2023 Change
Revenue 122.6 114.9 6.7%
Gross profit margin 28.4% 29.0%
Expense margin 18.7% 19.5%
EBITDA 14.3 13.2 8.4%
Trading profit 12.4 11.4 8.5%
Trading profit margin 10.1% 10.0%
HEPS (cents) 1 912.6 1 794.8 6.6%
Normalised HEPS (cents) 1 964.8 1 884.7 4.3%
DPS (cents) 914.0 876.0 4.3%
EBITDA interest cover (times)# 7.0x 8.2x
Net debt/EBITDA (times) 1.7x 1.7x
Cash generated from operations before working capital 16.1 14.8 8.9%
Cash conversion* 83.4% 76.4%
ROFE 37.3% 38.3%
ROIC 16.1% 17.3%
* As % of trading profit;
# Interest adjusted for IFRS16